Crestwood Employee Center

National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

July is National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, also known as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) Mental Health Month. The purpose of the month is to increase awareness of the unique challenges faced by minorities in accessing mental health care and to promote resources and support for those who may be struggling. The month also aims to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues and encourage individuals to seek help when needed.

There are several ways to observe National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month:

  • You can educate yourself on the unique challenges faced by minorities regarding mental health.
  • You can spread awareness by sharing information and resources on social media or hosting events that promote mental health awareness.
  • You can support organizations that promote mental health care for minority communities by donating or volunteering.
  • Prioritize your own mental health by seeking professional help if needed and encouraging others to do the same.

Contributed by: Crestwood’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Team

International Self-Care Day

July 24 is International Self-Care Day, a day to recognize we all need to take time to care for ourselves to minimize stress and avoid burnout. When we take care of ourselves, we have more resilience and patience so we can better handle challenges that arise. Self-care can also improve work performance and increase quality of life. The secret is finding the time and connecting to something that will bring you that mental reset.

Self-care activities can involve physical movement, relaxation, taking time for fun or connecting with someone that makes you feel happy, or attending to your hygiene or overall health. Making a list can be a proactive way to add self-care into your daily routine and create accountability. Meditation, positive affirmations, going on a walk, taking a bath, lighting a scented candle, or reading a book are some simple things we can do each day for a quick way to care for oneself. Once or twice a week, take a little more time for self-care with ideas like cooking a healthy meal from scratch, doing a puzzle, making a vision board, creating a flower arrangement, taking pictures in nature, or trying something new. These are just some activities that can make you feel more at peace and reenergized.

Having a toolbox of self-care strategies can not only make you feel better in your daily life, but studies also show it will boost your mood, increase your wellness, and help your body respond better to a range of health conditions. On this International Self–Care Day – and every day – be sure to take care of yourself!

Mindfulness Meditation: Journaling for Self-Care

Have you ever tried journaling for self-care? Writing through our emotions can be therapeutic and freeing, especially when we’re carrying a heavy mental load. Here are some tips to get started journaling:

  1. Choose your canvas: Select a journal with a design that speaks to you.
  2. Set a timer: Give yourself the gift of 5 – 15 minutes of uninterrupted writing time.
  3. Write your heart out: Practice free writing, putting down whatever comes to mind. Let your thoughts spill onto the page.
  4. Read and reflect: Read what you have written and be mindful of emotions you’ve expressed.

Journaling can be a powerful tool to explore our thoughts and feelings. It is a safe place to express our struggles and concerns, as well as a good outlet to record our memories and special moments. Whether you journal every day or once a week, try to make it a practice and part of your self-care routine.

Notable Days in July

July 4: Independence Day
July 24: International Self-Care Day

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