How to Change Benefits

Qualifying Life Events and Changes to Your Health Benefits

Crestwood employees are allowed to only make changes to their health benefits during our annual Open Enrollment period in the Fall, unless during the year they have a qualifying life event. Requests to change health benefits coverage, along with supporting documentation (e.g. marriage certificate), are required to be submitted within 30 days of a qualifying life event.

Does your situation qualify for changes to your health benefits?

The most common qualifying life events include:

  • Marital Status (Marriage, Divorce, Death, Legal Separation & Annulment)
  • Number of Dependents (Birth, Adoption, Death, Divorce)
  • Employee, Spouse or Dependent Employment Status (Gaining or Ceasing eligibility)
  • Dependent Child Status (Gaining or Losing eligibility)
  • Change in Residence (Moving out of service area which affects eligibility)
  • Judgement, Decree or Court Order (Consistent with plan eligibility)
  • Medicare & Medicaid (Gaining or Losing eligibility)
  • Significant Cost or Coverage Change (Change in Benefit Package Options or Cost)
  • Unpaid FMLA
  • Gain or Loss of Other Coverage

What do I need to provide to Crestwood to change my benefits?

  • All qualifying life events require proof (which varies depending on the life event)
  • Remember you only have 30 days from when the qualifying life event occurs to make the change to your benefits. Example: if your child is born (qualifying life event occurrence) on May 15, you only have until June 14 to add your new child to your benefits.
  • To submit a request, please contact your Business Office Manager.
  • *Please note that the request and supporting documentation must be fully submitted through ADP within the required time period in order for it to be considered complete. Unfortunately, if this is provided late, even by a day, we are unable to accept the request and it will have to wait until the next open enrollment period. Let’s work together to prevent that from happening!