Spiritual Dimension

 Eight Dimensions – Spiritual

Spiritual Wellness

Spirituality is such a broad term and how we think about Spirituality is affected by our culture and our life experiences. Spirituality is self-directed; evolving; positive and inclusive. The goal is to find a Spiritual Path that is most authentic for you.

Spiritual wellness includes recognizing your needs for discovering meaning and purpose in human existence, while also developing an appreciation for life and connection with something larger than yourself in the universe. Spiritual wellness is also related to your values and beliefs that help you find meaning and purpose in your life.

Spiritual wellness may come from activities such as volunteering, self-reflection, meditation, prayer, or spending time in nature. Signs of strong spiritual health include having clear values, a sense of self-confidence, and a feeling of inner peace. To improve your spiritual health, try creating a quiet space for solitude and contemplation or a place of curiosity and playfulness. Maintaining a playful, curious attitude can help you find experiences that offer hope, purpose, and meaning.

It is important to know that spiritual wellness does not require you to participate in religious practice, although religion can be one route to increase your spiritual wellness.

Sources: William & Mary Research University

Spiritual Inclusion

To learn more about Spiritual Inclusion, click here: Religions of Exclusion Toward a Spirituality of Inclusion

Religious and Spiritual Diversity

To learn more about Religious and Spiritual Diversity, click here: Reasons to address spirituality and religious heritage as part of cultural diversity

Workplace Spirituality

To learn more about Workplace Spirituality, click here: A Point of View: Workplace Spirituality

If you have any questions on Spiritual Wellness, please contact Ruth Gonzales at employeecenter@cbhi.net